Find out who all died from January to October 1755
Italian saint Gerard Majella died 16. October 1755. (born 1725)
Duc de Saint-Simon, French soldier and diplomat Louis de Rouvroy died 2. March 1755. (born 1675)
German historian Johann Lorenz von Mosheim died 9. September 1755. (born 1694)
American minister, academic, and jurist Elisha Williams died 22. October 1755. (born 1694)
Marchese di Maffei, Italian playwright, critic, and archaeologist Francesco Scipione died 11. February 1755. (born 1675)
American soldier and philanthropist Ephraim Williams died 8. September 1755. (born 1715)
English minister and historian Richard Rawlinson died 6. April 1755. (born 1690)
French philosopher Montesquieu died 10. February 1755. (born 1689)
French composer Joseph Bodin de Boismortier died 28. October 1755. (born 1689)
French physicist Jean-Pierre Christin died 19. January 1755. (born 1683)
English general Edward Braddock died 13. July 1755. (born 1695)
WHO IS BORN ON JANUARY 19. Find out who all was born on January 19.
ALL WHO ARE BORN FROM JANUARY TO OCTOBER 1755. Find out who all are born from January to October 1755.
WHO IS BORN IN 1755. Find out who all was born in 1755.
WHO ALL DIED ON JANUARY 20. See all who died on January 20.
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WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 8. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 8. century
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