Find out who all died from February to September 1819

American physician and surgeon John Jeffries died 16. September 1819. (born 1744)

Baltic German linguist and clergyman August Wilhelm Hupel died 7. February 1819. (born 1737)

English painter Mary Moser died 2. May 1819. (born 1744)

Croatian monk and author Simon Knéfacz died 3. August 1819. (born 1752)

English admiral and politician William Cornwallis died 5. July 1819. (born 1744)

Scottish engineer James Watt died 25. August 1819. (born 1736)

Prussian general Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher died 12. September 1819. (born 1742)

American commander Oliver Hazard Perry died 23. August 1819. (born 1785)

American evangelist Jemima Wilkinson died 1. July 1819. (born 1752)

Portuguese poet Francisco Manoel de Nascimento died 25. February 1819. (born 1734)

Burmese king Bodawpaya died 5. June 1819. (born 1745)

American colonel and politician Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge died 8. March 1819. (born 1739)

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