Find out who all died from March to June 1928

Estonian wrsetler Roman Steinberg died 16. April 1928. (born 1900)

English cricketer Roy Kilner died 5. April 1928. (born 1890)

Chinese general and politician, 2nd President of the Republic of China Li Yuanhong died 3. June 1928. (born 1864)

American surgeon Robert Abbe died 7. March 1928. (born 1851)

American illustrator A. B. Frost died 22. June 1928. (born 1851)

English activist Emmeline Pankhurst died 14. June 1928. (born 1857)

Canadian businessman, founded Henry Birks and Sons Henry Birks died 16. April 1928. (born 1840)

Chinese warlord Zhang Zuolin died 4. June 1928. (born 1873)

American inventor Nathan Stubblefield died 28. March 1928. (born 1860)

American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate Theodore William Richards died 2. April 1928. (born 1868)

American educator Mark Keppel died 16. June 1928. (born 1867)

Japanese sumo wrestler, the 15th Yokozuna Umegatani Tōtarō I died 15. May 1928. (born 1845)

Russian physician, philosopher, and author Alexander Bogdanov died 7. April 1928. (born 1873)

Russian general Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel died 25. April 1928. (born 1878)

Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen died 18. June 1928. (born 1872)

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