Find out who all died from July to October 1888

Hungarian politician Ágoston Trefort died 22. August 1888. (born 1817)

German physicist and mathematician Rudolf Clausius died 24. August 1888. (born 1822)

Argentinian journalist and politician, 7th President of Argentina Domingo Faustino Sarmiento died 11. September 1888. (born 1811)

Finnish poet and journalist Julius Krohn died 28. August 1888. (born 1835)

Swedish victim of Jack the Ripper Elizabeth Stride died 30. September 1888. (born 1843)

Canadian giant Anna Bates died 5. August 1888. (born 1846)

English victim of Jack the Ripper Catherine Eddowes died 30. September 1888. (born 1842)

Vietnamese poet Nguyễn Đình Chiểu died 3. July 1888. (born 1822)

American chemist, invented Coca-Cola John Pemberton died 16. August 1888. (born 1831)

American journalist and politician, 19th Mayor of Chicago John Wentworth died 16. October 1888. (born 1815)

English victim of Jack the Ripper Mary Ann Nichols died 31. August 1888. (born 1845)

English victim of Jack the Ripper Annie Chapman died 8. September 1888. (born 1841)

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