Find out who all died from July to October 1969

Greek author Stratis Myrivilis died 19. July 1969. (born 1890)

Italian singer and actor Natalino Otto died 4. October 1969. (born 1912)

American actress Sharon Tate died 9. August 1969. (born 1943)

American hair stylist, founded Sebring International Jay Sebring died 9. August 1969. (born 1933)

American student Steven Parent died 9. August 1969. (born 1951)

German sociologist and philosopher Theodor W. Adorno died 6. August 1969. (born 1903)

French director and screenwriter Henri Decoin died 4. July 1969. (born 1890)

American educator and secretary Mary Jo Kopechne died 18. July 1969. (born 1940)

American journalist Drew Pearson died 1. September 1969. (born 1897)

American lieutenant and politician Everett Dirksen died 7. September 1969. (born 1896)

German actress and author Erika Mann died 27. August 1969. (born 1905)

American cricketer John Lester died 3. September 1969. (born 1871)

American heiress and activist Abigail Folger died 9. August 1969. (born 1943)

French composer Joseph Kosma died 7. August 1969. (born 1905)

Belgian cyclist Léon Scieur died 7. October 1969. (born 1888)

Belgian-French explorer and activist Alexandra David-Néel died 8. September 1969. (born 1868)

American bassist Pops Foster died 29. October 1969. (born 1892)

American boxer Rocky Marciano died 31. August 1969. (born 1923)

English physicist, Nobel Prize laureate C. F. Powell died 9. August 1969. (born 1903)

Polish author Witold Gombrowicz died 24. July 1969. (born 1904)

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