Find out who all died from July to September 1838
French physicist and chemist Pierre Louis Dulong died 19. July 1838. (born 1785)
French architect Charles Percier died 5. September 1838. (born 1764)
Hungarian poet, critic, and politician Ferenc Kölcsey died 23. August 1838. (born 1790)
French chemist Bernard Courtois died 27. September 1838. (born 1777)
German botanist and poet Adelbert von Chamisso died 21. August 1838. (born 1781)
American soldier, explorer, and politician, 4th Governor of Missouri Territory William Clark died 1. September 1838. (born 1770)
Italian playwright and poet Lorenzo Da Ponte died 17. August 1838. (born 1749)
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WHAT ALL HAPPENED JULY TO SEPTEMBER 1838. Find out what all happened July to September 1838.
WHAT HAPPENED IN 1838. Look what happened the 1838.
WHO IS BORN ON JULY 2. Find out who all was born on July 2.