Find out when was born Yuri Ivanov.
Bulgarian footballer Yuri Ivanov was born 5. July 1982.
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WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 13. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 13. century
ALL WHO ARE BORN FROM MAY TO JULY 1982. Find out who all are born from May to July 1982.
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WHO IS BORN ON JULY 5. Find out who all was born on July 5.
ALL WHO ARE BORN ON JULY 5. 1982. Find out all who are born on July 5. 1982.
WHEN WAS BORN RAY MANZAREK, AMERICAN SINGER-SONGWRITER, KEYBOARD PLAYER, AND PRODUCER (THE DOORS, RICK & THE RAVENS, MANZAREK–KRIEGER, AND NITE CITY) (D. 2013) Find out when was born Ray Manzarek, American singer-songwriter, keyboard player, and producer (The Doors, Rick & the Ravens, Manzarek–Krieger, and Nite City) (d. 2013)
WHO ALL DIED FROM JULY TO SEPTEMBER 1982. Find out who all died from July to September 1982.