Find out who all are born from January to May 1805
American lawyer, politician, and diplomat, 3rd Governor of California John Bigler was born 8. January 1805. (died 1871)
American religious leader, 3rd President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Orson Hyde was born 8. January 1805. (died 1878)
American politician, 18th Mayor of Chicago Thomas Dyer was born 13. January 1805. (died 1862)
English painter Samuel Palmer was born 27. January 1805. (died 1881)
American explorer Jean Baptiste Charbonneau was born 11. February 1805. (died 1866)
German mathematician Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet was born 13. February 1805. (died 1859)
Swiss politician Jonas Furrer was born 3. March 1805. (died 1861)
German philologist and politician Peter Ernst von Lasaulx was born 16. March 1805. (died 1861)
German-Swedish linguist Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann was born 30. March 1805. (died 1887)
Danish author and poet Hans Christian Andersen was born 2. April 1805. (died 1875)
Irish painter Samuel Forde was born 5. April 1805. (died 1828)
German philosopher Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz was born 23. April 1805. (died 1879)
WHO ALL DIED ON JANUARY 4. See all who died on January 4.
WHAT HAPPENED ON JANUARY 20. Want to find out what all happened on January 20.
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WHAT ALL HAPPENED 153 BC Find out what all happened 153 BC
WHO ALL DIED IN 1805. See all who died in 1805.
WHAT HAPPENED IN 7. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the 7. century
WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 9. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 9. century
WHAT ALL HAPPENED JANUARY TO MAY 1805. Find out what all happened January to May 1805.