Find out what all happened February to July 1993

Janet Reno is confirmed by the United States Senate and sworn in the next day, becoming the first female Attorney General of the United States. (11. March 1993)

Agdam was occupied by Armenian separatists. (23. July 1993)

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents raid the Branch Davidian church in Waco, Texas with a warrant to arrest the group's leader David Koresh. Four BATF agents and five Davidians die in the initial raid, starting a 51-day standoff. (28. February 1993)

The Supreme Court in La Paz, Bolivia, sentences former dictator Luis Garcia Meza to 30 years in jail without parole for murder, theft, fraud and violating the constitution. (21. April 1993)

Kim Campbell is chosen as leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and becomes the first female Prime Minister of Canada. (25. June 1993)

World Trade Center bombing: In New York City, a truck bomb parked below the North Tower of the World Trade Center explodes, killing six and injuring over a thousand. (26. February 1993)

An IRA bomb devastates the Bishopsgate area of London. (24. April 1993)

In Thailand, a fire at the Kader Toy Factory kills 156 workers. (10. May 1993)

Israel launches a massive attack against Lebanon in what the Israelis call Operation Accountability, and the Lebanese call the Seven-Day War. (25. July 1993)

General Motors sues NBC after Dateline NBC allegedly rigs two crashes intended to demonstrate that some GM pickups can easily catch fire if hit in certain places. NBC settles the lawsuit the next day. (8. February 1993)

The Troubles: A Provisional IRA bomb kills two children in Warrington, England. It leads to mass protests in both Britain and Ireland. (20. March 1993)

South Dakota governor George Mickelson and seven others are killed when a state-owned aircraft crashes in Iowa. (19. April 1993)

North Korea nuclear weapons program: North Korea says that it plans to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and refuses to allow inspectors access to its nuclear sites. (12. March 1993)

Sri Lankan politician Lalith Athulathmudali is assassinated while addressing a gathering, approximately 4 weeks ahead of the Provincial Council elections for the Western Province. (23. April 1993)

Catherine Callbeck becomes premier of Prince Edward Island and the first woman to be elected in a general election as premier of a Canadian province. (29. March 1993)

An election takes place in Nigeria which and is later annulled by the military Government led by Ibrahim Babangida. (12. June 1993)

The Republic of Macedonia joins the United Nations. (8. April 1993)

Great Flood of 1993: levees near Kaskaskia, Illinois rupture, forcing the entire town to evacuate by barges operated by the Army Corps of Engineers. (22. July 1993)

CERN announces World Wide Web protocols will be free. (30. April 1993)

Italian former minister and Christian Democracy leader Giulio Andreotti is accused of mafia allegiance by the tribunal of Palermo. (27. March 1993)

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