See all who died on 19. February

Italian composer Luigi Dallapiccola died 19. February 1975. (born 1904)

English politician, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Anthony Crosland died 19. February 1977. (born 1918)

Cuban baseball player Mike González died 19. February 1977. (born 1890)

Scottish-Australian singer-songwriter (AC/DC) Bon Scott died 19. February 1980. (born 1946)

American actress Alice White died 19. February 1983. (born 1904)

Italian actor and director Adolfo Celi died 19. February 1986. (born 1922)

French-American physician and physiologist, Nobel Prize laureate André Frédéric Cournand died 19. February 1988. (born 1895)

French poet René Char died 19. February 1988. (born 1907)

American wrestler Tojo Yamamoto died 19. February 1992. (born 1927)

English director and set designer Derek Jarman died 19. February 1994. (born 1942)

Spanish race car driver Antonio Creus died 19. February 1996. (born 1924)

American businessman Charlie Finley died 19. February 1996. (born 1918)

Polish-American author and academic Leo Rosten died 19. February 1997. (born 1908)

Chinese politician, 1st Vice Premier of the People`s Republic of China Deng Xiaoping died 19. February 1997. (born 1904)

American singer-songwriter and banjo player Grandpa Jones died 19. February 1998. (born 1913)

Iraqi cleric Mohammad Mohammad Sadeq al-Sadr died 19. February 1999. (born 1943)

Austrian-New Zealand painter and illustrator Friedensreich Hundertwasser died 19. February 2000. (born 1928)

American director and producer Stanley Kramer died 19. February 2001. (born 1913)

French singer-songwriter Charles Trenet died 19. February 2001. (born 1913)

African-American children`s author Virginia Hamilton died 19. February 2002. (born 1934)

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