Find out what all happened May to July 1966

The Chicago Freedom Movement, led by Martin Luther King, Jr., holds a rally at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois. As many as 60,000 people come to hear Dr. King as well as Mahalia Jackson, Stevie Wonder, and Peter Paul and Mary. (10. July 1966)

Vietnam War: The United States and South Vietnam begin Operation Hastings to push the North Vietnamese out of the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone. (15. July 1966)

The Ulster Volunteer Force declares war on the Irish Republican Army in Northern Ireland. (21. May 1966)

An F-104 Starfighter collides with XB-70 Valkyrie prototype no. 2, destroying both planes during a photo shoot near Edwards Air Force Base. Joseph A. Walker, a NASA pilot, and Carl Cross, a United States Air Force test pilot, are both killed. (8. June 1966)

The Vatican announces the abolition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum ("index of prohibited books"), which was originally instituted in 1557. (14. June 1966)

After a policy dispute, Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam's ruling junta launches a military attack on the forces of General Ton That Dinh, forcing him to abandon his command. (15. May 1966)

The United States Supreme Court rules in Miranda v. Arizona that the police must inform suspects of their rights before questioning them. (13. June 1966)

British Guiana gains independence, becoming Guyana. (26. May 1966)

Myra Hindley and Ian Brady are sentenced to life imprisonment for the Moors murders in England. (6. May 1966)

The former Congolese Prime Minister, Évariste Kimba, and several other politicians are publicly executed in Kinshasa on the orders of President Joseph Mobutu. (30. May 1966)

Topeka, Kansas, is devastated by a tornado that registers as an "F5" on the Fujita Scale: the first to exceed US$100 million in damages. Sixteen people are killed, hundreds more injured, and thousands of homes damaged or destroyed. (8. June 1966)

The National Organization for Women, the United States' largest feminist organization, is founded. (30. June 1966)

King Mwambutsa IV Bangiriceng of Burundi is deposed by his son Prince Charles Ndizi. (8. July 1966)

U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Freedom of Information Act into United States law. The act went into effect the next year. (4. July 1966)

A plane crash at Connellsville, Pennsylvania kills the Pennsylvania Attorney General, his wife, and other state officials. (8. May 1966)

Surveyor program: Surveyor 1 lands in Oceanus Procellarum on the Moon, becoming the first U.S. spacecraft to soft-land on another world. (2. June 1966)

Human spaceflight: Gemini 10 is launched from Cape Kennedy on a 70-hour mission that includes docking with an orbiting Agena target vehicle. (18. July 1966)

The Communist Party of China issues the "May 16 Notice", marking the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. (16. May 1966)

The first prominent dàzìbào during the Cultural Revolution in China is posted at Peking University. (25. May 1966)

Launch of Surveyor 1 the first US spacecraft to land on an extraterrestrial body. (30. May 1966)

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