Find out what all happened June to August 1993

A federal judge sentences Los Angeles Police Department officers Stacey Koon and Laurence Powell to 30 months in prison for violating motorist Rodney King's civil rights. (4. August 1993)

After rounds of secret negotiations in Norway, the Oslo Accords are signed, followed by a public ceremony in Washington, D.C. the following month. (20. August 1993)

Kim Campbell is chosen as leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and becomes the first female Prime Minister of Canada. (25. June 1993)

37 participants in an Alevi cultural and literary festival are killed when a mob of demonstrators set fire to their hotel in Sivas during a violent protest. (2. July 1993)

An election takes place in Nigeria which and is later annulled by the military Government led by Ibrahim Babangida. (12. June 1993)

Dobrinja mortar attack: 13 are killed and 133 wounded when Serb mortar shells are fired at a soccer game in Dobrinja, west of Sarajevo. (1. June 1993)

The Rainbow Bridge, connecting Tokyo's Shibaura and the island of Odaiba, is completed. (27. August 1993)

The Galileo spacecraft discovers a moon, later named Dactyl, around 243 Ida, the first known asteroid moon. (23. August 1993)

Pope John Paul II starts his 8th annual World Youth Day in Denver's Mile High Stadium. (12. August 1993)

Sumitomo Chemical's resin plant in Nihama explodes, killing one worker and injuring three others. (4. July 1993)

Agdam was occupied by Armenian separatists. (23. July 1993)

The Supreme Court of Israel acquits alleged Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk of all charges and he is set free. (29. July 1993)

Andorra joins the United Nations. (28. July 1993)

Great Flood of 1993: levees near Kaskaskia, Illinois rupture, forcing the entire town to evacuate by barges operated by the Army Corps of Engineers. (22. July 1993)

The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan loses a 38-year hold on national leadership. (9. August 1993)

An earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter Scale hits the South Island of New Zealand. (10. August 1993)

Portions of the Holbeck Hall Hotel in Scarborough, in North Yorkshire, England, fall into the sea following a landslide. (5. June 1993)

Israel launches a massive attack against Lebanon in what the Israelis call Operation Accountability, and the Lebanese call the Seven-Day War. (25. July 1993)

The Saint James Church massacre occurs in Kenilworth, Cape Town, South Africa. (25. July 1993)

Mongolia holds its first direct presidential elections. (6. June 1993)

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