Look what happened the 1531.
The Virgin of Guadalupe first appears to Juan Diego at Tepeyac, Mexico City. (9. December 1531)
Battle of Amba Sel: Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al-Ghazi again defeats the army of Lebna Dengel, Emperor of Ethiopia. The southern part of Ethiopia falls under Imam Ahmad's control. (28. October 1531)
Henry VIII of England is recognized as supreme head of the Church of England. (11. February 1531)
Huldrych Zwingli is killed in battle with the Roman Catholic cantons of Switzerland. (11. October 1531)
Lisbon, Portugal is hit by an earthquake—thousands die. (26. January 1531)
The Second war of Kappel results in the dissolution of the Protestant alliance in Switzerland. (23. November 1531)
WHAT HAPPENED IN 1531. Look what happened the 1531.
WHO ALL DIED IN 1531. See all who died in 1531.
WHAT HAPPENED IN 19. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the 19. century
ALL WHO DIED ON FEBRUARY 16. 1531. See who all died on February 16. 1531.
WHAT HAPPENED ON OCTOBER 23. Want to find out what all happened on October 23.
WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 20. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 20. century
WHO ALL DIED ON APRIL 29. See all who died on April 29.