Look what happened the 1563.
The final session of the Council of Trent is held. (It had opened on December 13, 1545.) (4. December 1563)
The Edict of Amboise is signed, ending the first phase of the French Wars of Religion and granting certain freedoms to the Huguenots. (19. March 1563)
WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 3. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 3. century
WHO ALL DIED ON JUNE 21. See all who died on June 21.
ALL WHO ARE BORN IN THE 18. CENTURY Find out who all were born in the 18. century
WHO ALL DIED FROM FEBRUARY TO JULY 1563. Find out who all died from February to July 1563.
WHAT ALL HAPPENED 153 BC Find out what all happened 153 BC
ALL WHO ARE BORN FROM MARCH TO MAY 1563. Find out who all are born from March to May 1563.
WHO ALL DIED IN 1563. See all who died in 1563.
WHAT HAPPENED IN 4. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the 4. century