Look what happened the 1621.

The Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony sign a peace treaty with Massasoit of the Wampanoags. (22. March 1621)

The Protestant Union is formally dissolved. (24. May 1621)

The Dutch West India Company receives a charter for New Netherland. (3. June 1621)

Samoset, a Mohegan, visited the settlers of Plymouth Colony and greets them, "Welcome, Englishmen! My name is Samoset." (16. March 1621)

The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth, Massachusetts on a return trip to England. (5. April 1621)

Myles Standish is appointed as first commander of Plymouth colony. (17. February 1621)

Execution of 27 Czech noblemen on the Old Town Square in Prague as a consequence of the Battle of White Mountain. (21. June 1621)

Gregory XV becomes Pope, the last Pope elected by acclamation. (9. February 1621)

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