Find out who all died from April to November 1940

Canadian archbishop Georges Gauthier died 31. August 1940. (born 1871)

American author DuBose Heyward died 16. June 1940. (born 1885)

American poet Ernest Thayer died 21. August 1940. (born 1863)

English politician George Lansbury died 7. May 1940. (born 1859)

English-American missionary Wilfred Grenfell died 9. October 1940. (born 1865)

Jamaican journalist and activist, founded the Black Star Line Marcus Garvey died 10. June 1940. (born 1887)

English-American co-founder of the Volunteers of America Ballington Booth died 5. October 1940. (born 1857)

American railroad executive Hale Holden died 23. September 1940. (born 1869)

American giant Robert Wadlow died 15. July 1940. (born 1918)

American politician, 47th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives William B. Bankhead died 15. September 1940. (born 1874)

American politician Lincoln Loy McCandless died 5. October 1940. (born 1859)

Dutch art dealer Jacques Goudstikker died 16. May 1940. (born 1897)

Portuguese-American bishop Stephen Alencastre died 9. November 1940. (born 1876)

Swedish author and poet, Nobel Prize laureate Verner von Heidenstam died 20. May 1940. (born 1859)

American boxer Albert Young died 22. July 1940. (born 1877)

American general, Medal of Honor recipient Smedley Butler died 21. June 1940. (born 1881)

2nd Baron Lamington, English-Scottish politician, 8th Governor of Queensland Charles Cochrane-Baillie died 16. September 1940. (born 1860)

Swedish architect, co-designed Skogskyrkogården Gunnar Asplund died 20. October 1940. (born 1885)

American businessman, founded Chrysler Walter Chrysler died 18. August 1940. (born 1875)

English businessman and politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Neville Chamberlain died 9. November 1940. (born 1869)

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