Find out who all died from June to September 1906

Canadian minister William Snodgrass died 22. July 1906. (born 1827)

American architect, designed the Washington Square Arch Stanford White died 25. June 1906. (born 1853)

Austrian physicist and philosopher Ludwig Boltzmann died 5. September 1906. (born 1844)

English painter John Clayton Adams died 20. June 1906. (born 1840)

Hungarian author Mihály Kolossa died 3. September 1906. (born 1846)

American golfer John Maxwell died 3. June 1906. (born 1871)

American conspirator Samuel Arnold died 21. September 1906. (born 1838)

English educator, founded the Girls` Day School Trust Maria Georgina Grey died 19. September 1906. (born 1816)

Swiss-Austrian architect, designed the Federal Palace of Switzerland Hans Auer died 30. August 1906. (born 1847)

German philosopher Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann died 5. June 1906. (born 1842)

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