Find out what all happened February to April 1918

Massacre of ethnic Azerbaijanis is committed by allied armed groups of Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Bolsheviks. Nearly 12,000 Azerbaijani Muslims are killed. (31. March 1918)

The last Carolina Parakeet dies in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo. (21. February 1918)

World War I: The Battle of the Lys – the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps is crushed by the German forces during what is called the Spring Offensive on the Belgian region of Flanders. (9. April 1918)

Stephen W. Thompson shoots down a German airplane. It is the first aerial victory by the U.S. military. (5. February 1918)

World War I: The first phase of the German Spring Offensive, Operation Michael, begins. (21. March 1918)

The USS Cyclops departs from Barbados and is never seen again, presumably lost with all hands in the Bermuda Triangle. (4. March 1918)

First tank-to-tank combat, at Villers-Bretonneux, France, when three British Mark IVs meet three German A7Vs. (24. April 1918)

Russia adopts the Gregorian Calendar. (1. February 1918)

Bessarabia joins the Kingdom of Romania. (27. March 1918)

World War I: German fighter ace Manfred von Richthofen, better known as "The Red Baron", is shot down and killed over Vaux-sur-Somme in France. (21. April 1918)

The Twin Peaks Tunnel in San Francisco, California begins service as the longest streetcar tunnel in the world at 11,920 feet (3,633 meters) long. (3. February 1918)

SS Tuscania is torpedoed off the coast of Ireland; it is the first ship carrying American troops to Europe to be torpedoed and sunk. (5. February 1918)

Outburst of bloody March Events in Baku and other locations of Baku Governorate. (30. March 1918)

The U.S. Congress establishes time zones and approves daylight saving time. (19. March 1918)

The National Council of Bessarabia proclaims union with the Kingdom of Romania. (9. April 1918)

First World War: On the third day of the German Spring Offensive, the 10th Battalion of the Royal West Kent Regiment is annihilated with many of the men becoming Prisoners of war (23. March 1918)

The first case of Spanish flu occurs, the start of a devastating worldwide pandemic. (11. March 1918)

The Council of Lithuania unanimously adopts the Act of Independence, declaring Lithuania an independent state. (16. February 1918)

British women over the age of 30 get the right to vote. (6. February 1918)

Last monarch of Mecklenburg-Strelitz commits suicide. (23. February 1918)

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