Find out what all happened February to July 1924

On the anniversary of Greek Independence, Alexandros Papanastasiou proclaims the Second Hellenic Republic. (25. March 1924)

University of Chicago students Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, Jr. murder 14-year-old Bobby Franks in a "thrill killing". (21. May 1924)

The Whampoa Military Academy is founded. (16. June 1924)

The Royal Greenwich Observatory begins broadcasting the hourly time signals known as the Greenwich Time Signal or the "BBC pips". (5. February 1924)

In the second attempt to climb Mount Everest, George Mallory and Andrew "Sandy" Irvine disappear, possibly having first made it to the top. (9. June 1924)

The Klaipėda Convention is signed formally incorporating Klaipėda Region (Memel Territory) into Lithuania. (8. May 1924)

Sharia courts are abolished in Turkey, as part of Atatürk's Reforms. (8. April 1924)

American occupying forces leave the Dominican Republic. (26. June 1924)

The Castle Gate mine disaster kills 172 coal miners near Castle Gate, Utah. (8. March 1924)

The thirteen-century-old Islamic caliphate is abolished when Caliph Abdul Mejid II of the Ottoman Empire is deposed. The last remnant of the old regime gives way to the reformed Turkey of Kemal Atatürk. (3. March 1924)

Archeologist Themistoklis Sofoulis becomes Prime Minister of Greece. (24. July 1924)

J. Edgar Hoover is appointed the Director of the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation, and remains so until his death in 1972. (10. May 1924)

The Free State of Fiume is annexed by Kingdom of Italy. (3. March 1924)

The Soviet Union signs an agreement with the Beijing government, referring to Outer Mongolia as an "integral part of the Republic of China", whose "sovereignty" therein the Soviet Union promises to respect. (31. May 1924)

The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company changes its name to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). (14. February 1924)

U.S. President Calvin Coolidge becomes the first President to deliver a radio broadcast from the White House. (22. February 1924)

First round-the-world flight commences. (6. April 1924)

The Royal Canadian Air Force is formed. (1. April 1924)

In accordance with the Treaty of Rome, Fiume becomes annexed as part of Italy. (16. March 1924)

Simon & Schuster publishes the first crossword puzzle book. (18. April 1924)

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