Find out what all happened March to September 1964

North Vietnamese Army begins infiltration of South Vietnam. (18. September 1964)

Peter Allen and Gwynne Evans are hanged for the Murder of John Alan West becoming the last people executed in the United Kingdom. (13. August 1964)

The Philadelphia race riot begins. (28. August 1964)

A coup d'état in Brazil establishes a military government, under the aegis of general Castello Branco. (31. March 1964)

Constantine II becomes King of Greece. (6. March 1964)

Canyonlands National Park is designated as a National Park. (12. September 1964)

Vietnam War: 5,000 more American military advisers are sent to South Vietnam bringing the total number of United States forces in Vietnam to 21,000. (27. July 1964)

Vietnam War: A coup d'état replaces Duong Van Minh with General Nguyen Khanh as President of South Vietnam. A new constitution is established with aid from the U.S. Embassy. (16. August 1964)

The Arab League meets in East Jerusalem to discuss the Palestinian question, leading to the formation of the Palestine Liberation Organization. (29. May 1964)

Vietnam War: An explosion sinks the USS Card while it is docked at Saigon. Viet Cong forces are suspected of placing a bomb on the ship. She is raised and returned to service less than 7 months later. (2. May 1964)

Vietnam War: Operation Pierce Arrow – American aircraft from carriers USS Ticonderoga and USS Constellation bomb North Vietnam in retaliation for strikes against U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. (5. August 1964)

Constantine II of Greece marries Danish princess Anne-Marie. (18. September 1964)

Ngo Dinh Can, de facto ruler of central Vietnam under his brother President Ngo Dinh Diem before the family's toppling, is executed. (9. May 1964)

Pacific Air Lines Flight 773, a Fairchild F-27 airliner, crashes near San Ramon, California, killing all 44 aboard; the FBI later reports that a cockpit recorder tape indicates that the pilot and co-pilot had been shot by a suicidal passenger. (7. May 1964)

U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 meant to prohibit segregation in public places. (2. July 1964)

The Beatles occupy the top five positions on the Billboard Hot 100 pop chart. (4. April 1964)

First ascent of Shishapangma the fourteenth highest mountain in the world and the lowest of the Eight-thousanders. (2. May 1964)

The Belgian Congo is renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (1. August 1964)

Vietnam War: at a rally in Saigon, South Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Khanh calls for expanding the war into North Vietnam. (19. July 1964)

Ford Mustang is introduced to the North American market. (17. April 1964)

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