Find out what all happened May to December 1943

World War II: The British destroyers HMS Eclipse and HMS Laforey sink the Italian submarine Ascianghi in the Mediterranean after she torpedoes the cruiser HMS Newfoundland. (23. June 1943)

World War II: German warship Scharnhorst is sunk off of Norway's North Cape after a battle against major Royal Navy forces. (26. December 1943)

World War II: An F4U Corsair accomplishes the first successful radar-guided interception by a USN or USMC aircraft. (31. October 1943)

98 American POW's executed by Japanese forces on Wake Island. (5. October 1943)

The Detroit Race Riot breaks out and continues for three more days. (20. June 1943)

Holocaust: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ends. (16. May 1943)

A fire at the Gulf Hotel in Houston, Texas, kills 55 people. (7. September 1943)

Holocaust: Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). 1,180 Jews are led to the city's old Jewish graveyard and shot. (12. June 1943)

World War II: Tarawa and Makin atolls fall to American forces. (23. November 1943)

World War II: Start of the liquidation of the Ghettos in Minsk and Lida by the Nazis. (11. September 1943)

World War II: A Luftwaffe bombing raid on the harbour of Bari, Italy, sinks numerous cargo and transport ships, including the American SS John Harvey, which is carrying a stockpile of World War I-era mustard gas. (2. December 1943)

The Monterrey Institute of Technology, one of the largest and most influential private universities in Latin America, is founded in Monterrey, Mexico. (6. September 1943)

The cargo vessel Sinfra is attacked by Allied aircraft at Suda Bay, Crete, and sunk. 2,098 Italian prisoners of war drown with it. (20. October 1943)

World War II: Operation Gomorrah – The British bomb Hamburg, Germany causing a firestorm that kills 42,000 German civilians. (28. July 1943)

Burma Railway (Burma-Thailand Railway) is completed. (17. October 1943)

World War II: United States General Dwight D. Eisenhower publicly announces the Allied armistice with Italy. (8. September 1943)

Prisoners at the Nazi German Sobibor extermination camp in Poland revolt against the Germans, killing eleven SS guards, and wounding many more. About 300 of the Sobibor Camp's 600 prisoners escape, and about 50 of these survive the end of the war. (14. October 1943)

World War II: The Russian city of Bryansk is liberated from Germans. (17. September 1943)

World War II: The Battle of Kursk, the largest full-scale battle in history and the world's largest tank battle, begins in Prokhorovka village. (4. July 1943)

World War II: U.S. Army Air Force begins attacking Germany's secret weapons bases in Operation Crossbow. (5. December 1943)

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