Find out what all happened July to November 1936

Mrs Wallis Simpson files for divorce which would eventually allow her to marry King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom, thus forcing his abdication from the throne. (27. October 1936)

First World Individual Motorcycle Speedway Championship, Held at London's (England) Wembley Stadium (10. September 1936)

A major breach of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal in England sends millions of gallons of water cascading 200 feet (61 m) into the River Irwell. (6. July 1936)

In Catalonia, Spain, the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia is founded through the merger of Socialist and Communist parties. (23. July 1936)

In London, the Crystal Palace is destroyed by fire. (30. November 1936)

The Australian Antarctic Territory is created. (24. August 1936)

Radio Prague, now the official international broadcasting station of the Czech Republic, goes on the air. (31. August 1936)

The first electric generator at Hoover Dam goes into full operation. (26. October 1936)

Spanish Civil War: An Armed Forces rebellion against the recently elected leftist Popular Front government of Spain starts the civil war. (17. July 1936)

José Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the Falange, is killed by a republican execution squad. (20. November 1936)

A fire wipes out Kursha-2 in the Meshchera Lowlands, Ryazan Oblast, Russia, killing 1,200 and leaving only 20 survivors. (3. August 1936)

In Berlin, Germany and Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact, agreeing to consult on measures "to safeguard their common interests" in the case of an unprovoked attack by the Soviet Union against either nation. The pact is renewed on the same day five years later with additional signatories. (25. November 1936)

Generators at Boulder Dam (later renamed to Hoover Dam) begin to generate electricity from the Colorado River and transmit it 266 miles to Los Angeles. (9. October 1936)

The last surviving member of the thylacine species, Benjamin, dies alone in her cage at the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania. (7. September 1936)

Life magazine is reborn as a photo magazine and enjoys instant success. (23. November 1936)

First ascent of Siniolchu by a German team. (23. September 1936)

King Edward VIII, in one of his few official duties before he abdicates the thrоne, officially unveils the Canadian National Vimy Memorial. (26. July 1936)

Prime Minister of Greece Ioannis Metaxas suspends parliament and the Constitution and establishes the 4th of August Regime. (4. August 1936)

The Montreux Convention is signed in Switzerland, authorizing Turkey to fortify the Dardanelles and Bosphorus but guaranteeing free passage to ships of all nations in peacetime. (20. July 1936)

Rainey Bethea is hanged in Owensboro, Kentucky in the last public execution in the United States. (14. August 1936)

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