Find out what all happened July to November 1970

Soviet Union enters ICAO, making Russian the fourth official language of organization. (14. November 1970)

A fire consumes the wooden home of Norwegian composer Geirr Tveitt and irretrievably destroys about 90 percent of his output. (12. July 1970)

Jochen Rindt become the only driver to posthumously win the Formula One World Drivers' Championship (in 1970), after being killed in practice for the Italian Grand Prix. (5. September 1970)

Vietnam War: Vietnamization – The United States turns control of the Binh Thuy Air Base in the Mekong Delta over to South Vietnam. (4. November 1970)

NASA announces the cancellation of two Apollo missions to the Moon, Apollo 15 (the designation is re-used by a later mission), and Apollo 19. (2. September 1970)

Luna programme: The Soviet Union lands Lunokhod 1 on Mare Imbrium (Sea of Rains) on the Moon. This is the first roving remote-controlled robot to land on another world and is released by the orbiting Luna 17 spacecraft. (17. November 1970)

Fiji becomes independent. (10. October 1970)

A British airliner is hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and flown to Dawson's Field in Jordan. (9. September 1970)

In response to the October Crisis terrorist kidnapping, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau of Canada invokes the War Measures Act. (16. October 1970)

Vietnam War: The United States Military Assistance Command in Vietnam reports the lowest weekly American soldier death toll in five years (24). (5. November 1970)

Club Cinq-Sept fire in Saint-Laurent-du-Pont, France kills 146 young people. (1. November 1970)

Organized by Mexican American union leader César Chávez, the Salad Bowl strike, the largest farm worker strike in U.S. history, begins. (23. August 1970)

Fiji joins the United Nations. (13. October 1970)

The domestic Soviet Aeroflot Flight 244 is hijacked and diverted to Turkey. (15. October 1970)

The then new feminist movement, led by Betty Friedan, leads a nation-wide Women's Strike for Equality. (26. August 1970)

The first Glastonbury Festival is held at Michael Eavis's farm in Glastonbury, United Kingdom. (19. September 1970)

Bill Shoemaker sets record for most lifetime wins as a jockey (passing Johnny Longden). (7. September 1970)

Richard Nixon delivers a special congressional message enunciating Native American self-determination as official US Indian policy, leading to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975. (8. July 1970)

The Dawson's Field hijackers release 88 of their hostages. The remaining hostages, mostly Jews and Israeli citizens, are held until September 25. (11. September 1970)

Vietnam War: In Paris, a Communist delegation rejects US President Richard Nixon's October 7 peace proposal as "a manoeuvre to deceive world opinion". (8. October 1970)

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