Find out who all died from February to August 1952
Chilean priest, lawyer, and saint Alberto Hurtado died 18. August 1952. (born 1901)
American actor Jack Earle died 18. July 1952. (born 1906)
Finnish cyclist Hjalmar Väre died 20. March 1952. (born 1892)
English organist and composer Herbert Murrill died 25. July 1952. (born 1909)
German singer Heinrich Schlusnus died 18. June 1952. (born 1888)
English engineer Charles Collett died 5. April 1952. (born 1871)
Italian mathematician Guido Castelnuovo died 27. April 1952. (born 1865)
Hungarian swimmer Géza Kiss died 23. August 1952. (born 1882)
American psychologist and philosopher John Dewey died 1. June 1952. (born 1859)
Italian-Dutch physician and educator Maria Montessori died 6. May 1952. (born 1870)
Bhutanese king Jigme Wangchuck died 30. March 1952. (born 1905)
Canadian archbishop Philippe Desranleau died 28. May 1952. (born 1882)
Greek resistance leader and leading cadre of the Greek Communist Party Nikos Beloyannis died 30. March 1952. (born 1915)
Jr., American politician Wallace H. White died 31. March 1952. (born 1877)
Egyptian scientist Sameera Moussa died 5. August 1952. (born 1917)
Bulgarian architect, designed the Central Sofia Market Hall Naum Torbov died 2. June 1952. (born 1880)
American actor John Garfield died 21. May 1952. (born 1913)
Japan businessman, founded Toyota Kiichiro Toyoda died 27. March 1952. (born 1894)
Indian guru Paramahansa Yogananda died 7. March 1952. (born 1893)
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WHAT ALL HAPPENED FEBRUARY TO AUGUST 1952. Find out what all happened February to August 1952.
WHAT HAPPENED IN 1952. Look what happened the 1952.