Find out who all died from July to November 1903

American frontierswoman and scout Calamity Jane died 1. August 1903. (born 1853)

Belgian geologist and petrographer Alphonse Francois Renard died 9. July 1903. (born 1842)

Norwegian painter Hans Gude died 17. August 1903. (born 1825)

German archaeologist, journalist and politician, Nobel Prize laureate Theodor Mommsen died 1. November 1903. (born 1817)

American lawyer, publisher, and politician Cassius Marcellus Clay died 22. July 1903. (born 1810)

3rd Marquess of Salisbury, English politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Robert Gascoyne-Cecil died 22. August 1903. (born 1830)

American baseball player Ed Delahanty died 2. July 1903. (born 1867)

Estonian wood engraver and missionary Eduard Magnus Jakobson died 2. August 1903. (born 1847)

English poet and songwriter Joseph Skipsey died 3. September 1903. (born 1832)

Virgin Islander-French painter Camille Pissarro died 13. November 1903. (born 1830)

Australia politician, 14th Premier of Victoria Duncan Gillies died 12. September 1903. (born 1834)

German mathematician and academic Rudolf Lipschitz died 7. October 1903. (born 1832)

French veterinarian and microbiologist Edmond Nocard died 2. August 1903. (born 1850)

American journalist and architect, co-designed Central Park Frederick Law Olmsted died 28. August 1903. (born 1822)

Japanese sumo wrestler, the 12th Yokozuna Jinmaku Kyūgorō died 21. October 1903. (born 1829)

Puerto Rican sociologist, philosopher, and lawyer Eugenio María de Hostos died 11. August 1903. (born 1839)

Austrian philosopher and author Otto Weininger died 4. October 1903. (born 1880)

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