Find out what all happened April to October 1949

The Treaty of London establishes the Council of Europe in Strasbourg as the first European institution working for European integration. (5. May 1949)

The Federal Republic of Germany is established and the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany is proclaimed. (23. May 1949)

The first Plenary Session of the National People's Congress approves the design of the Flag of the People's Republic of China. (27. September 1949)

The keel for the aircraft carrier USS United States is laid down at Newport News Drydock and Shipbuilding. However, construction is canceled five days later, resulting in the Revolt of the Admirals. (18. April 1949)

EDSAC, the first practical electronic digital stored-program computer, runs its first operation. (6. May 1949)

WERD, the 1st black-owned radio station in the United States, opens in Atlanta, Georgia. (3. October 1949)

Albert II, a rhesus monkey, rides a V2 rocket to an altitude of 134 km (83 mi), thereby becoming the first monkey in space. (14. June 1949)

A fire in a hospital in Effingham, Illinois, kills 77 people and leads to nationwide fire code improvements in the United States. (5. April 1949)

In the United States, the Armed Forces Security Agency, the predecessor to the National Security Agency, is established. (20. May 1949)

The Communist Party of China writes the Common Programme for the future People's Republic of China. (29. September 1949)

Arsène Wenger (Arsenal FC Manager and earlier soccer player) was borned in Strasbourg, France. (22. October 1949)

The first television western, Hopalong Cassidy, is aired on NBC starring William Boyd. (24. June 1949)

Twelve nations sign the North Atlantic Treaty creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. (4. April 1949)

The People's Republic of China is established and declared by Mao Zedong. (1. October 1949)

The entire Torino football team (except for two players who did not take the trip: Sauro Tomà, due to an injury and Renato Gandolfi, because of coach request) is killed in a plane crash at the Superga hill at the edge of Turin, Italy. (4. May 1949)

The cornerstone of the United Nations Headquarters is laid. (24. October 1949)

U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs the National Security Act Amendment, streamlining the defense agencies of the United States government, and replacing the Department of War with the United States Department of Defense. (10. August 1949)

Chinese Civil War: Chinese Communist forces occupy the city of Guangzhou (Canton), in Guangdong, China. (14. October 1949)

Israel and Syria sign a truce to end their nineteen-month war. (20. July 1949)

The 26 counties of the Irish Free State become Ireland. (1. April 1949)

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