Look what happened the 1989.

East German Prime Minister Willi Stoph, along with his entire cabinet, is forced to resign after huge anti-government protests. (7. November 1989)

Cold War: Fall of the Berlin Wall. Communist-controlled East Germany opens checkpoints in the Berlin Wall allowing its citizens to travel to West Germany. This key event led to the eventual reunification of East and West Germany, and fall of communism in eastern Europe including Russia. (9. November 1989)

The longtime leader of the People's Republic of Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov is removed from office and replaced by Petar Mladenov. (10. November 1989)

German citizens begin to bring the Berlin Wall down (10. November 1989)

Hans-Adam II, the present Prince of Liechtenstein, begins his reign on the death of his father. (13. November 1989)

A death squad composed of El Salvadoran army troops kills six Jesuit priests and two others at Jose Simeon Canas University. (16. November 1989)

Cold War: Velvet Revolution begins: In Czechoslovakia, a student demonstration in Prague is quelled by riot police. This sparks an uprising aimed at overthrowing the communist government (it succeeds on December 29). (17. November 1989)

Velvet Revolution: The number of protesters assembled in Prague, Czechoslovakia swells from 200,000 the day before to an estimated half-million. (20. November 1989)

In West Beirut, a bomb explodes near the motorcade of Lebanese President René Moawad, killing him. (22. November 1989)

Avianca Flight 203, a Boeing 727, explodes in mid-air over Colombia, killing all 107 people on board and three people on the ground. The Medellín Cartel will claim responsibility for the attack. (27. November 1989)

Cold War: Velvet Revolution – In the face of protests, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia announces it will give up its monopoly on political power. (28. November 1989)

Deutsche Bank board member Alfred Herrhausen is killed by a Red Army Faction terrorist bomb. (30. November 1989)

1989 Philippine coup attempt: The right-wing military rebel Reform the Armed Forces Movement attempts to oust Philippine President Corazon Aquino in a failed bloody coup d'état. (1. December 1989)

Cold War: East Germany's parliament abolishes the constitutional provision granting the Communist Party the leading role in the state. (1. December 1989)

Cold War: In a meeting off the coast of Malta, U.S. President George H. W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev release statements indicating that the cold war between NATO and the Soviet Union may be coming to an end. (3. December 1989)

The École Polytechnique massacre (or Montreal Massacre): Marc Lépine, an anti-feminist gunman, murders 14 young women at the École Polytechnique in Montreal. (6. December 1989)

Mongolian Revolution: At the country's first open pro-democracy public demonstration, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj announces the establishment of the Mongolian Democratic Union. (10. December 1989)

The Troubles: Attack on Derryard checkpoint – The Provisional Irish Republican Army launches an attack on a British Army temporary vehicle checkpoint near Rosslea, Northern Ireland. Two British soldiers are killed and one badly wounded. (13. December 1989)

Romanian Revolution: Protests break out in Timișoara, Romania, in response to an attempt by the government to evict dissident Hungarian pastor László Tőkés. (16. December 1989)

U.S. Appeals Court Judge Robert Smith Vance is assassinated by a mail bomb sent by Walter Leroy Moody, Jr. (16. December 1989)

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