Find out who all died from May to October 1835

Italian economist and jurist Gian Domenico Romagnosi died 8. June 1835. (born 1761)

English architect, designed the Royal Pavilion John Nash died 13. May 1835. (born 1752)

English farmer and journalist William Cobbett died 18. June 1835. (born 1763)

Duc de Trévise, French general and politician, 15th Prime Minister of France Édouard Mortier died 28. July 1835. (born 1768)

Greek admiral and politician Andreas Vokos Miaoulis died 24. June 1835. (born 1769)

American wife of Jefferson Davis Sarah Knox Taylor died 15. September 1835. (born 1814)

American captain and politician, 4th United States Secretary of State John Marshall died 6. July 1835. (born 1755)

Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini died 23. September 1835. (born 1801)

English poet Agnes Bulmer died 20. August 1835. (born 1775)

Austrian composer and conductor Wenzel Müller died 3. August 1835. (born 1767)

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