Find out what all happened January to October 1931

Resignation of the United Kingdom's Second Labour Government. Formation of the UK National Government. (24. August 1931)

TWA Flight 599 crashes near Bazaar, Kansas killing 8 including Knute Rockne, head football coach at the University of Notre Dame (31. March 1931)

Michele Schirru, a citizen of the United States, is executed by Italian military firing squad for intent to kill Benito Mussolini. (29. May 1931)

An earthquake destroys Managua, Nicaragua, killing 2,000. (31. March 1931)

The British Viceroy of India, Governor-General Edward Frederick Lindley Wood and Mohandas Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) sign an agreement envisaging the release of political prisoners and allowing salt to be freely used by the poorest members of the population. (5. March 1931)

The Spanish Cortes deposes King Alfonso XIII and proclaims the Second Spanish Republic. (14. April 1931)

SwissAir is founded as the national airline of Switzerland. (26. March 1931)

Thomas Edison submits his last patent application. (6. January 1931)

France and the Soviet Union sign a treaty of non-aggression. (28. August 1931)

The Scottsboro Boys are arrested in Alabama and charged with rape. (25. March 1931)

Emperor Haile Selassie I signs the first constitution of Ethiopia. (16. July 1931)

The Congress of the United States approves the construction of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge by the state of California. (20. February 1931)

Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar are hanged for murder during the Indian struggle for independence. (23. March 1931)

Al Capone convicted of income tax evasion. (17. October 1931)

The Empire State Building is dedicated in New York City. (1. May 1931)

First edition of the Highway Code published in Great Britain. (14. April 1931)

The Sakurakai, a secret society in the Imperial Japanese Army, launches an abortive coup d'état attempt. (21. October 1931)

Ready for Labour and Defence of the USSR, abbreviated as GTO, is introduced in the Soviet Union. (11. March 1931)

The United States adopts The Star-Spangled Banner as its national anthem. (3. March 1931)

Gambling is legalized in Nevada. (19. March 1931)

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