Find out what all happened May to December 1933

Great Depression: New Deal – US President Franklin D. Roosevelt unveils the Civil Works Administration, an organization designed to create jobs for more than 4 million unemployed. (8. November 1933)

Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Spain are established. (28. July 1933)

Leó Szilárd, waiting for a red light on Southampton Row in Bloomsbury, conceives the idea of the nuclear chain reaction. (12. September 1933)

Censorship: In Germany, the Nazis stage massive public book burnings. (10. May 1933)

As gangster Machine Gun Kelly surrenders to the FBI, he shouts out, "Don’t shoot, G-Men!", which becomes a nickname for FBI agents. (26. September 1933)

The Century of Progress World's Fair opens in Chicago, Illinois. (27. May 1933)

Nazi Germany withdraws from The League of Nations. (14. October 1933)

The Agricultural Adjustment Act is enacted to restrict agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies. (12. May 1933)

The Humanist Manifesto I published (1. May 1933)

Gleichschaltung: Adolf Hitler bans trade unions. (2. May 1933)

Yevgeniy Abalakov is the first man to reach the highest point in the Soviet Union, Communism Peak (now called Ismoil Somoni Peak and situated in Tajikistan) (7495 m). (3. September 1933)

Albert Einstein flees Nazi Germany and moves to the United States. (17. October 1933)

Wiley Post becomes the first person to fly solo around the world traveling 15,596 miles (25,099 km) in 7 days, 18 hours and 45 minutes. (22. July 1933)

The Roca-Runciman Treaty between Argentina and Great Britain is signed by Julio Argentino Roca, Jr., and Sir Walter Runciman. (1. May 1933)

Hugh Gray takes the first known photos alleged to be of the Loch Ness Monster. (12. November 1933)

The U.S. Congress abrogates the United States' use of the gold standard by enacting a joint resolution (48 Stat. 112) nullifying the right of creditors to demand payment in gold. (5. June 1933)

United States recognizes Soviet Union. (17. November 1933)

The first rugby union test match between the Wallabies of Australia and the Springboks of South Africa is played at Newlands Stadium in Cape Town. (8. July 1933)

Union Station Massacre: in Kansas City, Missouri, four FBI agents and captured fugitive Frank Nash are gunned down by gangsters attempting to free Nash. (17. June 1933)

New Deal: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an act creating the Tennessee Valley Authority. (18. May 1933)

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