Look what happened on 20. June 1942
The Holocaust: Kazimierz Piechowski and three others, dressed as members of the SS-TotenkopfverbÀnde, steal an SS staff car and escape from the Auschwitz concentration camp. (20. June 1942)
WHEN WAS BORN HERMANN CONRING, GERMAN PHILOSOPHER (D. 1681) Find out when was born Hermann Conring, German philosopher (d. 1681)
WHAT ALL HAPPENED ON JUNE 20. 1942. Look what happened on June 20. 1942.
WHAT HAPPENED ON JUNE 20. Want to find out what all happened on June 20.
WHAT HAPPENED IN 1942. Look what happened the 1942.
WHAT ALL HAPPENED FEBRUARY TO JUNE 1942. Find out what all happened February to June 1942.
WHO ALL DIED IN 1942. See all who died in 1942.
WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 19. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 19. century
ALL WHO ARE BORN FROM JUNE TO JULY 1942. Find out who all are born from June to July 1942.
WHO ALL DIED ON JUNE 20. See all who died on June 20.