Find out who all died from January to September 1804

American politician, signer of the United States Declaration of Independence George Walton died 2. February 1804. (born 1749)

English author and poet Charlotte Lennox died 4. January 1804. (born 1730)

French politician Jacques Necker died 9. April 1804. (born 1732)

American navy officer Richard Somers died 4. September 1804. (born 1778)

German composer and conductor Johann Adam Hiller died 16. June 1804. (born 1728)

American politician, 1st Treasurer of the United States Michael Hillegas died 29. September 1804. (born 1728)

Polish priest, author, and historian Jędrzej Kitowicz died 3. April 1804. (born 1727)

Duke of Enghien Louis Antoine died 21. March 1804. (born 1772)

English entomologist Dru Drury died 15. January 1804. (born 1725)

2nd duc de Broglie, French marshal Victor-François died 30. March 1804. (born 1718)

American general, economist, and politician, 1st United States Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton died 12. July 1804. (born 1755)

1st Viscount Duncan, Scottish admiral Adam Duncan died 4. August 1804. (born 1731)

German philosopher Immanuel Kant died 12. February 1804. (born 1724)

Haitian general Toussaint Louverture died 7. April 1804. (born 1743)

French general Jean-Charles Pichegru died 5. April 1804. (born 1761)

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