Find out who all died from June to October 1922

Japanese sumo wrestler, the 19th Yokozuna Hitachiyama Taniemon died 19. June 1922. (born 1874)

French painter Georgette Agutte died 5. September 1922. (born 1867)

English businessman George Cadbury died 24. October 1922. (born 1839)

Hungarian architect and academic Samu Pecz died 1. September 1922. (born 1854)

English anthropologist, neurologist, ethnologist, and psychiatrist W. H. R. Rivers died 4. June 1922. (born 1864)

Russian mathematician Andrey Markov died 20. July 1922. (born 1856)

Prince of Monaco Albert I died 26. June 1922. (born 1848)

American actress and singer Lillian Russell died 6. June 1922. (born 1860)

Irish politician, 3rd President of Dáil Éireann Arthur Griffith died 12. August 1922. (born 1871)

Ottoman general Enver Pasha died 4. August 1922. (born 1881)

Dutch astronomer Jacobus Kapteyn died 18. June 1922. (born 1851)

Hungarian engineer Donát Bánki died 1. August 1922. (born 1856)

Sr., American politician Martin Dies died 13. July 1922. (born 1870)

Polish-Austrian nun and missionary Maria Teresia Ledóchowska died 6. July 1922. (born 1863)

Scottish-Canadian engineer, invented the telephone Alexander Graham Bell died 2. August 1922. (born 1847)

German pilot Lothar von Richthofen died 4. July 1922. (born 1894)

Japanese chemist Jokichi Takamine died 22. July 1922. (born 1854)

Maltese-English rower Saint George Ashe died 24. July 1922. (born 1871)

English poet and activist Wilfrid Scawen Blunt died 10. September 1922. (born 1840)

German businessman and politician, Foreign Minister of Germany Walther Rathenau died 24. June 1922. (born 1867)

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