Find out who all was born in 1640.
Italian composer Paolo Lorenzani was born 5. January 1640. (died 1713)
American settler Jonathan Singletary Dunham was born 17. January 1640. (died 1724)
1st Duke of Devonshire, English soldier and politician William Cavendish was born 25. January 1640. (died 1707)
French mathematician and astronomer Philippe de La Hire was born 18. March 1640. (died 1719)
English politician John Trenchard was born 30. March 1640. (died 1695)
Danish mathematician Georg Mohr was born 1. April 1640. (died 1697)
Spanish guitarist, composer, and priest Gaspar Sanz was born 4. April 1640. (died 1710)
Ukrainian husband of Eleanor of Austria, Queen of Poland Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki was born 31. May 1640. (died 1673)
Chinese author Pu Songling was born 5. June 1640. (died 1715)
Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I was born 9. June 1640. (died 1705)
French mathematician and theologian Bernard Lamy was born 15. June 1640. (died 1715)
German poet and composer Amalia Catharina was born 8. August 1640. (died 1697)
French sculptor Antoine Coysevox was born 29. September 1640. (died 1720)
Italian violinist and composer Carlo Mannelli was born 4. November 1640. (died 1697)
Flemish captain and explorer Willem de Vlamingh was born 28. November 1640. (died 1698)
French historian and author Claude Fleury was born 6. December 1640. (died 1723)
English chemist and academic Robert Plot was born 13. December 1640. (died 1696)
English playwright and author Aphra Behn was born 14. December 1640. (died 1689)
ALL WHO ARE BORN IN THE 2. CENTURY Find out who all were born in the 2. century
WHO ALL DIED IN 1640. See all who died in 1640.
WHO IS BORN ON OCTOBER 13. Find out who all was born on October 13.
WHO ALL DIED FROM SEPTEMBER TO NOVEMBER 1640. Find out who all died from September to November 1640.
WHO ALL DIED ON FEBRUARY 25. See all who died on February 25.
WHAT HAPPENED IN 12. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the 12. century
WHO IS BORN IN 1640. Find out who all was born in 1640.