Look what happened the 1575.
Henry III of France is crowned at Rheims and marries Louise de Lorraine-Vaudémont on the same day. (13. February 1575)
Battle of Dormans: Roman Catholic forces under Duke Henry of Guise defeat the Protestants, capturing Philippe de Mornay among others. (10. October 1575)
Luanda, the capital of Angola, is founded by the Portuguese navigator Paulo Dias de Novais. (25. January 1575)
Foundation of Aguascalientes. (22. October 1575)
Raid of the Redeswire, the last major battle between England and Scotland. (7. July 1575)
An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 8.5 strikes Valdivia, Chile. (16. December 1575)
Indian Mughal Emperor Akbar defeats Bengali army at the Battle of Tukaroi. (3. March 1575)
Universiteit Leiden is founded, and given the motto Praesidium Libertatis. (8. February 1575)
WHO IS ALL DIED IN 1. CENTURY Find out who all is died in 1. century
WHAT ALL HAPPENED JANUARY TO MARCH 1575. Find out what all happened January to March 1575.
WHO ALL DIED FROM AUGUST TO DECEMBER 1575. Find out who all died from August to December 1575.
WHAT HAPPENED IN 1575. Look what happened the 1575.
WHO IS BORN ON NOVEMBER 30. Find out who all was born on November 30.
WHAT HAPPENED ON JULY 24. Want to find out what all happened on July 24.
WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 14. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 14. century
WHAT ALL HAPPENED 153 BC Find out what all happened 153 BC