Look what happened the 217.
The Romans, led by Gaius Flaminius, are ambushed and defeated by Hannibal at the Battle of Lake Trasimene. (21. June 217. BC)
Roman Emperor Caracalla is assassinated (and succeeded) by his Praetorian Guard prefect, Marcus Opellius Macrinus. (8. April 217)
Battle of Raphia: Ptolemy IV Philopator of Egypt defeats Antiochus III the Great of the Seleucid kingdom. (22. June 217. BC)
The papacy of Zephyrinus ends. Callixtus I is elected as the sixteenth pope, but is opposed by the theologian Hippolytus who accuses him of laxity and of being a Modalist, one who denies any distinction between the three persons of the Trinity. (20. December 217)
WHAT HAPPENED IN 217. Look what happened the 217.
WHO IS BORN ON JUNE 2. Find out who all was born on June 2.
WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE 15. CENTURY Find out what all happened in the first half of the 15. century
WHAT ALL HAPPENED 153 BC Find out what all happened 153 BC
WHO IS ALL DIED IN 1. CENTURY Find out who all is died in 1. century
WHAT HAPPENED ON MARCH 8. Want to find out what all happened on March 8.
ALL WHO ARE BORN IN THE 15. CENTURY Find out who all were born in the 15. century